10 Ways to Get Into the Word, Even as a Busy Mom
Amy Ludwig Amy Ludwig

10 Ways to Get Into the Word, Even as a Busy Mom

We might want to study the Bible, but we also often feel that this is a losing battle. Fighting for time in the Word can leave us feeling frustrated and defeated.

So how can we actually make this happen? How can we get into the Word when so many children and chores and commitments clamor for our attention?

I’ve rounded up ten ideas that just might work for you, even in this busy season of motherhood.

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Amy Ludwig Amy Ludwig


We can follow Mary’s example of treasuring Jesus every time we find ourselves delighting in our precious children as we marvel at Christ’s humanity.

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Amy Ludwig Amy Ludwig


“…learning to be interested in my son’s favorite things is easy compared to the self-sacrifice required to take care of his needs and look after his best interests. We are innately selfish, and we tend towards looking after our own comforts, our own best interests, before those of another person. But motherhood is one of God’s best tools for teaching us to mature out of this selfishness. I’m finding that motherhood gives me ample opportunities to deny my own pursuits and practice humility. In this way, motherhood is teaching me how to be more like Jesus. “

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