He Prepares & Pursues
Amy Ludwig Amy Ludwig

He Prepares & Pursues

God’s goodness and love PURSUE us, chase us down, and like a good shepherd does, bring us home on His shoulders. His love is relentless. His goodness is running after us every day of our lives.

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He Guides
Amy Ludwig Amy Ludwig

He Guides

“His staff of salvation is a comfort to us as we feel him rescuing us from the messes we’ve gotten ourselves into. He seeks us and finds us when we are lost, and his love turns us around in repentance.”

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He Restores
Amy Ludwig Amy Ludwig

He Restores

“Because the Lord is our shepherd, we can be sure that we lack nothing we truly need.”

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The Armor of God for Moms
Amy Ludwig Amy Ludwig

The Armor of God for Moms

The armor of God described in Ephesians 6:10-18 isn’t just for pastors, missionaries, and other heroes of the faith. It’s for moms too.

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