The Real Devotions of Real Moms - Part 2

Learn to worship with full hands and a full mind - don’t always be looking for an empty space.
— Hallie Gardner

Welcome back to this series on the real life quiet times of real moms, in which we are discovering that a sincere, life-giving devotional time doesn’t have to be quiet or long or solitary. What a mind-blowing relief it has been for me to realize this! If you, like me, often fall for the lie that it doesn’t count as a quiet time unless it involves highlighting, journaling, coffee-drinking, and Instagramming about it, then let this series be a balm for your soul and an encouragement to get back into the Word, no matter how many interruptions and how much noise that involves!

In last week’s post, we read my friend Victoria’s description of her quiet time. You can catch that read here. She reads the Bible and sings with her kids as her way of spending time with the Lord in the morning. What a beautiful devotional time - and how memorable for her kids!

Today we’re hearing from two more moms, neither of whom - again - spend an hour of inductive study in the Word every day, but each of whom is consistent and growing in the Lord! I hope you are as encouraged by their interviews as I have been! First, we meet Melia, a young mom of two who is joyful and kind and a true servant. Then we get to hear from Hallie, a mom of three older boys who shares with us about how her devotional times have changed since the early years with toddlers. She has been a spiritual mentor to many (including me!), and I know you will be encouraged by what she has to say.

So without further ado, let’s get into these interviews!


Melia Johnson

Mother of two, pastor’s wife

How many kids do you have, and what are their ages?

I have two kids! A two-year-old girl and a 6-month-old baby boy.

How many times per week do you have quiet times with God?

I typically am in the Word every day.

How long do your devotional times usually last?

They are usually around 15-20 minutes.

What time of day do you usually spend time with God? Why that time?

I usually have my quiet times in the morning around 7am after I squeeze in a work out!

What does your devotional time look like? What do you do to spend time with God?

For the past two years I’ve been doing The Bible Recap reading plan. This plan is a read the Bible in a year chronological study. So, I will start by reading the scheduled passage. If I read before my son gets up I’ll read my physical Bible and underline what stuck out to me. If he wakes up before, I read on my phone while I feed him! (So thankful we have the Bible app these days!) Then I will listen to the daily podcast that The Bible Recap puts out that goes with the reading. The podcast recaps the passage and then points out an aspect of God’s character that is shown in the reading.

How else do you connect with God and His Word when you aren’t able to have a sit-down quiet time?

I love listening to podcasts or sermons throughout the day, and I try and make it a point to pray in my quiet moments in the day like in the shower and while I’m doing dishes.

Is there a verse or truth that calls you back to having quiet times?

Jeremiah 9:23-24 says, “Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”

This verse is a good reminder that it is of primary importance that we seek to know God, that our knowledge of God is far greater than our personal accomplishments or our wealth.

What is something God has been teaching you lately?

God has recently been teaching me that I need to trust him more. He has been showing me that I can trust him in the menial things I stress about during the day being a mom of two and taking care of a home. And I can trust him in the big picture things. There is no need to stress, worry, or be anxious because our Creator cares for us just like the birds.

There is no need to stress, worry, or be anxious because our Creator cares for us just like the birds.
— Melia Johnson

Hallie Gardner

Mother of three boys, pastor’s wife

How many kids do you have, and what are their ages?
I have 3 boys, ages 19, 16, and 11.

How many times per week do you have quiet times with God?
About 4 or 5 times per week.

How long do your devotional times usually last?
Usually 15 to 20 minutes.

What time of day do you usually spend time with God? Why that time?
In the morning, because it’s quiet and no one is asking me questions... 😊

What does your devotional time look like? What do you do to spend time with God?
Pray- I usually write out my prayer time.
Read- Sometimes I’m studying a book of the Bible, sometimes I’m studying to teach, sometimes I’m just reviewing the Sunday sermons.
Sit and be quiet- sometimes mixed with praying, but a moment to be still before the Lord.

I should also add that many years I use a “read through the Bible in a year” Bible, especially when I just need the discipline. I also often use My Utmost for His Highest and Valley of Vision.

How else do you connect with God and His Word when you aren’t able to have a sit-down quiet time?
Praying all the time
Memorizing scripture
Listening to sermons or podcasts (I like the Risen Motherhood podcast, and anything parenting by Paul David Tripp. Ginger Plowman Hubbard is also good!)

Is there a verse or truth that calls you back to having quiet times?
The verse (Deuteronomy 8:3 and Matthew 4:4) and concept of the Word being the bread. I want to be fed.

Did your devotional times look different when your kids were younger? What advice would you give to moms of young kids who find it difficult to spend time with God?
Oh my yes. When my dudes were young, consistency was my goal. Using a Bible in a Year Bible was my lifeline. I didn’t have to think too much, or try to manufacture time to come up with a plan. I wasn’t hard on myself if I missed a day or two; I just tried to be in the Word consistently. If one of the day’s readings seemed longer than I could manage in one sitting I often split it up between a little in the morning and a little in the evening.

Do what you can do. Don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t overthink it. Ask the Lord for the moments and the bandwidth to receive what He has for you, whether straight from scripture or from a sermon, or just from being so intimately connected to the Spirit! Learn to worship with full hands and a full mind - don’t always be looking for an empty space.

So much goodness, right?! I love hearing these testimonies of faith that is growing! Thank you so much, Melia and Hallie, for sharing such a personal part of your life for our benefit!
And remember, friends, that these interviews are not meant to be read in a spirit of comparison, to make yourself feel prideful because you read for longer than these women do, or to make you feel ashamed because they are more faithful than you are. The point is the GROWTH and the connection to the Lord! I hope you come away from this reading inspired to try a new routine, use time you didn’t know you had, or use a new resource to make time in the Word more do-able for you. I’ve linked the resources mentioned in the interviews so you can do just that.

Let me know in the comments below which parts of their stories encouraged you most! And stay tuned for next week’s installment when we hear from even more moms about their real life devotions!


The Armor of God for Moms


The Real Devotions of Real Moms - Part One