The Armor of God for Moms

Gear up for the day ahead!

Ephesians 6:13-18

One morning a few months ago, I woke up to a baby diaper blowout, wet toddler sheets to change, a baby who wouldn’t nurse, an ant attack on the kitchen counter, and a toddler happily munching mini marshmallows in his room while shaking an OPEN box of macaroni.

And the worst part? I hadn’t put my armor on yet.

The armor of God described in Ephesians 6:10-18 isn’t just for pastors, missionaries, and other heroes of the faith. It’s for moms too. Read this description of the armor God gives us:

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

Ephesians 6:13-18

We are in a battle from the moment we wake up, and the enemy would like nothing better than to start his schemes and fire his darts before we are prepared. He wants to steal our joy, frustrate us, and make us feel like failures ten times before breakfast.

So lately I’m trying to wake up before my adorable little chaos-creators so I have a few minutes to let God prepare me for the day’s battles. Because the messes and difficulties WILL come today, and I want to be ready to respond WELL.

In this blog post, you’ll see how I’m applying the armor of God to moms! Consider going through this list each morning as a way of putting on your armor!


Remind yourself of what is true before your circumstances have a chance to derail your thoughts. Which truths from God’s Word do you need to rehearse and cling to in order to be the joyful and wise mother God has called and designed you to be? Personally, I have been needing to remind myself of truths like these:

Motherhood is a good gift from God, given to me to enjoy and grow through.

Hard work is not a curse, but my God-given mission.

I was not made for comfort and ease but for service.


Think ahead to the moments in the coming day that you know will test your character (Are you particularly impatient during math lessons? Do you get extra annoyed in the hour before dinner when everyone’s a little hangry? Does it frustrate every nerve in your being when the kids fight with each other?), and plan ahead of time to respond with righteousness. How can you plan your words and actions so that you will reflect the heart of Jesus in these difficult moments?

Also, plan out specific ways to do good today, in words and actions towards your family and your community. Who needs your service and kindness? How can you shine the light of Christ by maintaining integrity and joy as you interact with the people you will meet?


Focus on the gospel first thing in the morning rather than on yourself. Read a chapter of the New Testament rather than opening up Instagram when you first wake up. Pray a prayer of thanks before you even get out of bed. Remember the good news!

Be prepared to share the gospel in a thousand tiny ways today. Making breakfast (and lunch and dinner and all the hobbit meals in between) can speak of God’s provision. Settling a sibling dispute can be an occasion to speak about grace. Kneeling to tie little shoes or to look into toddler eyes is a way to image Christ who served us by getting down on our level. (See this blog post to really dwell on that concept.) Think of ways to flesh out the gospel for your little ones and anyone else who observes you.

Fill up on the peace of God so you will overflow with peace in the trying moments. Spend just a few moments in prayer, imagining yourself sitting on God’s lap for a sweet morning chat. He IS peace, so a few moments in His presence will fill your soul with peace to sustain you in the day ahead.


If we truly believe in what we cannot see, we will not be overwhelmed by what we can see. We can spend our first minutes of each day looking around at the mountains of laundry and dishes and toy trains that have to be cleaned up today, becoming overwhelmed as soon as our eyes open. Or we can spend that time thinking about Heaven and about what God is doing in the souls of your family, allowing ourselves to be swept up in the beauty of the story God is telling. Sometimes the things we cannot see are more real and important than the things we can see.


Remember that you have been saved! No matter what happens today, you have that reason to rejoice! God is continuing to craft salvation for you as you walk with Him. Let your salvation be a helmet to protect your mind, to shield it from the lies and doubts and anxieties that may assault you today.


Get the words of Truth into your mind so they can form your thoughts and repel the enemy’s schemes. God’s Word will not return void – that means that any time you spend reading the Bible is valuable! God can use any amount of time to prepare your heart and mind. (But if you wonder how you have time to read the Word as a busy mom, read this blog post on that very topic. Also, check out this interview with a young mom of five who reads the Word every day!)

Respond to temptation as Jesus did – with the Scriptures! Once you know the Word, you can use it to fight against whatever attacks you. Write out and post up verses around your house so you’ll have them ready to use when you need to combat anxiety, complaining, laziness, anger, or whatever other vices threaten you.


All day. About everything. From messes to meltdowns, from headaches to heartbreaks, from the teething baby to the contrary child – God wants us to bring all our cares to Him, because He cares for us.


I hope this application of Ephesians 6:13-18 helps you to thrive as a mom this week! With armor like this, we will be prepared for all the schemes and frustrations that are bound to arise! Let’s keep turning to God and the Scriptures as we walk this road of motherhood, and may your path grow BRIGHTER every day.


He Restores


The Real Devotions of Real Moms - Part 2