
“This book is not only insightful and encouraging, it’s BEAUTIFULLY written. The fact that the author is a professor of English quickly becomes apparent and shows up in ways that make this book stand out from all other parenting books I’ve read. And I’ve read a lot. Her eloquence, vocabulary, story telling abilities and even use of poetry throughout made this read a joy. As a gardener and flower enthusiast myself, I also really enjoyed her use of botanical artwork throughout and on the beautiful outside cover. I really love this book! It was a great encouragement to me as a weary mom of two toddlers under 3, and I know all fellow mothers will find strength in Amy Ludwig’s testimony and fresh insight into God’s word as a beacon of hope in these hard seasons with little ones. Amy treats scripture as treasure with the power to change the reader and her love of God’s word will leave you inspired, encouraged and empowered! Highly recommend this book!!!”

— Sarah, Mother of two

“I sincerely enjoyed this book on motherhood. It is filled with practical application alongside encouragement and is rooted in God’s word. I appreciate the simplicity of the chapters, and the length too- they aren’t too long which is helpful for busy mamas and they each end with practical application. It is written with a humble tone and you find yourself relating to the author’s struggles in motherhood while also gleaning insight. I would love to revisit this book in various seasons of motherhood as it a welcoming and refreshing read that has been an encouragement to my heart.”

— Danielle, Mother of two

Brighter is a unique mothering book because rather than dwelling first on what moms should do, author Amy Ludwig points moms to how they can be through the power of God’s indwelling Word. Taking a verse or passage from Scripture in each chapter, Amy demonstrates through her life experiences with her energetic and sweet son how to allow God to teach and change our hearts and attitudes… Brighter especially lends itself to group studies because of the additional Scripture and discussion questions at the end of each chapter… Many homes will be blessed by moms who catch the enlightenment of Brighter!”

— Donna, Mother of three and Grandmother of seven

“I highly recommend Brighter! Amy has written a book grounded in the truth of Scripture and filled with gentle reminders of hope, which she has encountered in her own life as a mom. There is no doubt that her love for Jesus and keen awareness of God’s purpose in even the seemingly mundane moments will fill each mom’s heart with renewed strength in Jesus as they read this book. Jesus tells us that his burden is light and Amy has written words that will lighten the load for fellow moms who are doing the valuable, Kingdom work of raising children for the Lord.”

— Chris Johnson, Senior Pastor at Grace Chapel

“Amy Ludwig's book "Brighter" is such an encouraging read for mother's who are currently in the trenches with their little ones and could use a loving, yet convicting, nudge to delve deeply into the Word. This book is overwhelmingly relatable. The stories of her son, and her own responses, that Amy includes throughout the chapters literally brought me to giggles, belly laughs, and oftentimes tears streaming down my face. Amy does a wonderful job throughout each chapter of bringing her honesty and transparency forward, and then turning the reader's gaze to what should be our one true and most valued source of encouragement every day of our motherhood journey, and the rest of our lives: God's Word. The questions and practical suggestions included at the end of each chapter are simple yet effective. They drive the reader to dig deeper into examining their own heart and then finding ways to grow in their faith and spiritual maturity as they mother their little ones and exemplify Christ's love to them on a daily basis. "Brighter" is a book that mother's will want to keep handy and close by for a good dose of encouragement and prompting to open their Bibles and drink deeply from the well of God's Word.”

— Traci, Mother of three

“I have fallen in love with this book! I am excited to read a new chapter each day, I’m almost finished with it. What a completely new perspective I have that seemed so easy that I’m so surprised it wasn’t so obvious! This book has helped me open my eyes mind and heart to a whole new viewpoint! God blessed this author with a wonderful talent and I’m so glad she didn’t let it go to waste! Thank you for writing a book I can’t get enough of! It’s such an easy read, like you are sitting down talking with your girlfriends. It’s so inspiring and the devotions at the end of each chapter just help you dig deeper. This has become one of my favorite books!”

— Brandy, Mother of two